"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be BLOTTED OUT, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;" Acts 3:19
"I have BLOTTED OUT, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." Isaiah 44:22
In your bible, you find that God forgets our sins. Our iniquities he will remember no more. But in these passages, I find an even deeper description of God's mindset toward our sin, past, present, and future: Blotted out.
When I forget something, it doesn't mean that it ceases to exist (I wish that were true in school). It simply means that I am unaware of it. But when something is blotted out, it literally ceases to exist! How can this be?
The almighty God that created our very being, hung stars we can't imagine in places we can't comprehend, and orchestrates the thunder I hear outside my window right now, said that your sins are "blotted out." I don't presume to understand my God in these things, but I have chosen to believe him when he says them. My sins aren't in a closet somewhere to be brought out by the adversary at the judgement. They simply don't exist. When I call to remembrance my sin, the Father turns to his Son, and says, "What is he talking about?"
I don't know about you, but many times when I pray it seems my sins are ever before me. I can't shut the sin out of my mind long enough to even talk to the Lord! If that happens to you, then that is the devil trying to distract you, hinder you, and stop you from praying. From now on, do what I do. I say to the Lord, "Lord, please hold on one second." Then I turn to the devil, and I say, "Devil, that sin is what Jesus took to Calvary, and I appreciate you reminding me of all that God did for me when he blotted out my sin. Anything else you need?" Then, without further delay, I continue praying.
That may seem strange to you, and you may think I'm crazy for talking to the devil like that. But just think of it this way--He doesn't mind interrupting you and God to talk to you, so you might as well take the time to shut him up. Just tell him that anything he wants to talk about is already gone in the blood of Jesus Christ, so he needs to go kick a coke can down the street, cause you don't have time to talk to him today. AMEN! Don't waste time with that old fool!
Remember saints, your sins are forgiven, and on top of that, they're blotted out!
The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad!
Amen! That's good!
Looking forward to seeing you in three weeks, Clay!
Love your sis,
Thank you brother. That was very good. Our Father is just simply able to blot out our sins, because He IS GOD :D And because He is our Father, who loves and cares for us. Amen Amen.
Ms. Elsie
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