Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bible Trivia!

For those of you who have not noticed, I have added an interactive, weekly Bible trivia question to the column on the right side of the blog page. After each week, I will post a new Bible trivia question. You can find the answer to the previous Bible trivia question on the bottom of the column on the right. The questions are not going to be easy to come up with, seeing I will be coming up with them on my own. Your interaction is appreciated. :)

In Christ Alone,


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. P!
I honestly can't believe that I've never caught that before. *blush* Especially since I've read Esther countless times...she's a favorite Bible character of mine, you know. Oh well. Iron sharpeneth iron... =) I guess I can handle being wrong. It's not the first time it's happened! =D
Talk to ya Saturday...
Love your sister,

Elsie Gibbs said...

Hey fun Brother Clay! I'll keep on them as much as I can.
Mrs. Elsie