Monday, May 17, 2010

What has happened...

There is no easy way to write this post, as a lot of things that I simply do not have the time to tell about have occurred. First, my brother, Russell, got married to Hannah a month ago today. You can check out some pics at:

Then, I finished my freshman year 2 weeks ago. I have much to do this summer, as I plan on making some extra cash as well as stay busy around here at the academy. I am looking forward to a much needed break, though. I need to breathe deep for a while...

So, I've been doing the things that I love for the last two weeks...spending time with family, working at the academy, working out (HOOYAH!), and best of all, spending more time with the Lord, and THAT has been truly amazing! Isn't our Lord wonderful? He is truly altogether lovely!

I sat in church last night as my dad preached about thanksgiving and that we should think more on what we have to be thankful for, and I realized how much I have to be thankful for...and then after the preaching, during the invitation, members of our church just went to one another and told their brethren and sisters how much they appreciated them. You know, we all have people in our lives that we would simply not be the same without, and it is good for us to let those people know every once in a while how much we appreciate and love them. Last night, our entire church broke into a semi-frenzy of people wandering about, expressing their love and thankfulness to people who mean a lot to them. And it was good. Good for our church. Good for our hearts.

You see, sin can rip through a place, the devil can use people to divide, and false brethren can hurt...but true love still prevails!

I encourage you to do the same...find someone who mean alot to you and tell them so. You will be glad you did, and it will be healthy for you both!

Well, a pointless post is better than no post, so there you have it! LOL

I did want to let you all know what's been going on with me. Later, I plan on writing some posts about ideas that have been around for a long time and I haven't got to. But, thanks to summer, I'll have a little more time. Till next time.


1 comment:

Elsie Gibbs said...

I am soooo glad to hear about what happened at church for all ya'll. I'm very surprised mom (mom C.) hasn't called to tell me :) It's ok. I wish we were there. Until then, I praise the Lord with ya'll from far away. And also, good to hear you're able to breathe some now. I know how that feels. I had my break for a few weeks, now we're back in the grind on Sundays with the Native Hospital, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I missed the Hospital. We took about a 3 week break. I'm glad to be back there. So take care brother. Maybe we'll get some more thoughtful and inspiring blogs from you this summer.

Ms. Elsie