It is always easy to say things. It’s not always so easy to do them.
Words spoken in time of ease many times are hard to swallow in times of testing. And due to the excess of words, we find ourselves questioning things that we once have said, and now are expected to act upon.
It’s not that what was once said was wrong. It doesn’t even mean that we no longer believe it now that the testing is upon us. But our flesh gets into situations where our desire is so overwhelming that the things we once stood for are now being second-guessed and even being tossed to and fro in our minds.
As a Christian who takes a stand for many things, this is especially important. You must take that stand, but taking that stand will require you to live a very specific way.
“LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?…[he] In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.” Psalm 15:1,4
Swearing to your own hurt, and changing not. These are powerful words spoken by the psalmist, realizing some things he knew personally.
David said he would not touch God’s anointed. When Saul began throwing spears, David ran. He honored his word. But it did not end there. After more than 5 years of running from Saul, the opportunity to kill him was well within David’s grasp. Yet he apologized and repented for simply cutting the cloth of Saul’s garment. Swearing to your own hurt… and CHANGING NOT!
Stability is probably the most lacked character trait in this generation. People don’t even know what to stand for, and then those that do know what to stand for don’t stand.
There’s no such thing as making a decision for God only one time. If you make a decision for the Lord, the devil is sure to test it. Try it. If you made the decision once, you will need to make the same decision again.
I made the decision a long time ago to do whatever the Lord told me to do. A semester into college, I’ve made that decision at least 100 more times. :)
I made the decision not to use certain language. I make that same decision every time I go to work and deal with certain people that do their best to bring out the worst in me.
I made the decision to keep myself pure, saving my heart and body for the precious young lady I marry. I made that same decision again today.
The point is, if you made the decision for the Lord, expect to make it again, and again, and again. A world of sin is against everything you promise the Lord.
Have you made the decision to do whatever God wants? If you have, then never let financial circumstances, geographic locations, or self-will deter you.
Have you vowed to keep yourself pure? If the answer is yes, then never, ever give your heart, emotions, or feelings to anyone whom God has not expressly told you is the man or woman you will marry, and only then after you have the go-ahead from God’s authority in your life. In fact, I ask every unmarried young adult with Christian parents reading this to make a vow to the Lord: Vow to never pursue a relationship that leads to marriage until both of your parents approve. If one of them sees a problem, then there’s something wrong. But I promise you, if both of them agree that it is good, you can be sure the Lord is in it. (That advice was unplanned so that was free of charge) :D
And that will be another decision that your flesh will be sure to test you on. Just remember, even if it hurts, CHANGE NOT! What was right when you made the decision is still right today. Do not change based on the situation. The circumstances do not warrant exceptions, the circumstances show what you really believed all along. Stick with those decisions… especially when it hurts. God loves to see his children make decisions, and then make the same decision again when the going gets tough and it isn’t easy, because it honors him.
Double decisions will be the greatest tool of public testimony you can have. And to top it off, God will be pleased. And when he smiles, the frowns of the world won’t mean a thing. I love to make God smile, and he put it on my heart to write this post. God is pleased with double decisions!
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