Monday, June 8, 2009


"And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him." Genesis 7:5

Repent! Repent! The judgement of the Lord is come! Any who would escape must flee to the refuge of the Ark of God, through the door that God hath opened. Come, before the rain falls!

What a nut! This Noah guy is crazy. He plans on building a boat in the middle of a field because water is going to fall from the sky? He's nuts....

Noah was alone. When he began this amazing task, the environmentalists began going crazy about the trees he was cutting down, the natural habitat being destroyed, the homes for animals vanquished at the end of an inhumane, crazy man's axe blade. The building department council got together and decided that it was illegal, seeing Noah had not obtained a permit to build such a structure. As punishment, the government confiscated his house with all his earthly belongings.

Nothing of earth matters to me. Get on the Ark! How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?

You would think everyone would leave the nutty old man alone, but they didn't. They taunted him, along with his three sons.

Hey Japheth, you as crazy as your old man? You think the water is coming too? Or are you just building along with the family to keep from feeling guilty? You know he's crazy, don't you?

Hey Shem, what about your wife? You gonna take her on that filthy boat with all those vile animals? What kind of man are you to lead your family into something so incredulous? Aren't you responsible for your own wife, or you just trying to appease your dad?

Hey Ham, you know even your uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and other relatives think he's crazy, too?! You think God would really kill all the relatives and family--the whole known world for that matter--and only save your family? Are you really that narrow minded? You think you're better than us?

It was taunting for sure. But it didn't stop there. The local nightclubs, dance parties, and proms moved to Noah's field. After all, what better way to drink the night away than laughing at old diluted Noah and his boys building away at that old boat. How long have they been at it, 45, 50 years now?...

When the Ark is finished, then the flood will come upon the world of the ungodly! Come help us build, and get on board!

At first, the relatives tried to engage him in useful conversation.

You know, Noah, we believe like you do, we just think you're a little too hard on everyone else who may not be just like you. You know, Noah, maybe you should settle down on that building a little and show a little more compassion.

But he was insanely committed to this tedious, useless task. He was unmovable.

Would true compassion shield you from the truth to accommodate your sinful practices? Is it greater compassion to leave off building the refuge from the coming storm, suffering my own family to be judged? Nay, nay, brethren, it is compassion that drives me to tell you to leave your sinful ways, and help me build this ark, saving your families as well!!

Noah, Noah. How long will you persist? Till you die? You've been working on this monster of a ship for like 100 years now, and still no water has fallen in any measurable amount, and yet your sure the whole world will be covered? God will punish us? Where is he Noah? Why isn't God helping build the boat? HA!!

Be not deceived. God is not mocked! Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap! Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Say to thy soul, "Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." THOU FOOL! This night thy soul shall be required of thee.

We went and talked with Dr. Doubtful Disputations, Noah. He said the signs are evident in your behavior that you have a severe medical condition. Noah, you can be treated with doses of community involvement and compromise, and we promise, you'll think a little more clearly.

Hey, Noah! The government just put a label on you. You're a fanatic! You home school your children, you read the King James Bible, you believe in the constitution, you believe in the second amendment, and, worst of all, you're building a boat to get out when it's all just seemingly coming together for the first time here on earth with amazing unity under our new president and congress and judges!

We're just having a good time, Noah! Is that so wrong? You think so narrow minded, Noah; just loosen up a bit!

It is not my mind that is narrow, but my morals. My mind is free! It is your mind that is narrow, while your morals are loose! I seek to obey God, by faith, to the saving of my house.
Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh!

Noah had no ministerial association for comfort, encouragement, and help. He had he, his wife, his 3 sons, and their wives. That's it! No one else! Yet, I happen to believe, that if a man wins his own family, he has won his first and greatest mission field. Noah had no converts, but his family was on the ark with him that day.

Noah finally got them fool animals on the ark with him. Man, what a boat! And what a nutty old man. Ha ha ha... he says he's gonna be inside the Ark seven days before the so-called "rain" falls. What a cook!

Hey, Noah, you old coot! We're just gonna have a party right here outside your boat. After all, "God" shut the door right? (laughing) Hey, everyone, lets have a toast to day 4 of the week before "God" "floods" the earth! Ha ha ha...

Hey, Noah, it's day seven. This is the day, right? I guess we'll see right? Ha ha.


What is that? Do you feel something? It's like water is sprinkling.

3 hours later

Noah! Noah! Open the door!!! (gasp) (choke) Noah, just get a rope out the window or something, Noah. Noah, we're going to drown. (gulping) It's to our shoulders, Noah, help us!!!!

Settled into the innermost chambers of the Ark, sits Noah, his wife, his children, and their wives. They realize the punishment and judgement of God in a whole new way. They pray that somehow God would block out the awful sounds of those people dying...

And when the last knock on the side of that Ark faded away... and all was quiet, Noah was just glad he had obeyed God. And this preacher of righteousness now had spared his family, and in turn, the human race.

Don't quit telling sinners of the wrath to come, but don't feel responsible for their actions. When you've done your job--telling the truth--leave the rest to God, and get on the boat!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Good post, Clay! Thanks! =)