Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Miracle of Salvation

He's in a fix. This sea of life is tumultuous! He's been here forever it might as well be forever, cause he knows of no other life outside this raging sea he lives in. There have been good days and bad, but the good days are few.... and it's so lonely.

Living in the troubled sea is no easy task, especially without the boat, sails, anchor, and captain needed to weather such a storm. The rashes from constant waves and torrents of sins consequences rack his body with pain, and the taste of that awful seaweed rises from his tongue every time he takes a laboring breath...but that's just life here on the sea.

The attacks come so sudden, so sudden it takes him by surprise, though he should be accustomed to it by now. Those sea creatures, monsters that they are, seem to toy with him on a constant basis, the sea monster of them all telling him he's got no hope. What if he's right, though? He wonders when they'll just kill him and end this misery most call life... Well, if this is life, I want no part of it. He seems to think no other life exists...

The storm is back. All of the empty promises, broken relationships, and unfulfilled expectations are thundering through the sky, reminding him of times where he trusted that he could make it on his own, trusting his own heart... well, he still does, cause he learned from those mistakes; I'll do better next time.

It's killing him now, this restless sea. He surely cannot make it long in this's overtaking him. He chokes hard on the bile mixed with salt water in a half cough, half vomit that hurts him to his very soul! He feels something like a log of some sort with his right hand, and clutching it with all his might, hoping it will save him from sure destruction, it too crumbles upon contact, following the path of all he has clung to in this sea. His head is barely staying above the water, and only for seconds at a time. The will to survive rises within him, but the weights of his past sins and the bleakness of having true hope...well, why try? He will soon die, he knows. He no longer resists...

He hears the voices of men... sailors somewhere ... maybe he's just already losing consciousness from lack of oxygen ... but no, those are the voices of men he hears!! He hears the croaking of wood and metal as the biggest ship he's ever seen comes into view on the horizon. A life boat with a rescue team is on it's way!!!! Finally, help is here; he may just live! But can they get here in time?

Maybe it's one of the delusions those sea monsters like to pull... but he's never had one like this before. In fact, just the view of the ship and crew seemed to bring over him a longing to be one of them. They worked with such strength and confidence, though they also bore the storm that was raging. They worked with such purpose. There seemed to be a calmness... or peace, aboard that ship... even in such a storm. He wonders who their Captain is...

Well, that was years ago. Now he sits aboard the same ship of grace! He had no problem abandoning his old clothes and ways when this ship passed by. Come to find out, the Captain is there for leadership, but he's also the anchor for stability, the sails for direction, and the bow for durability. It should be easy to trust the Captain, shouldn't it? I mean, the storms are still bad, but he's on a ship that just can't be brought down!!! After all, the Captain promised when they get to port, he will share his name, his wealth, his home, and his inheritance with this old hopeless sinner! He wonders sometimes how long it will take to get home, but as long as they're headed there, he's just fine.

But... sad to say, sometimes his weaker nature gets the best of him. He begins to question the Captains directions, deciding to try to guide the ship his own way... My, what mistakes can be made doing that!! He should just let go and let God...

Why would he question the Captain? Was he doing so great out on life's sea alone? Now he has someone to call family, friends and shipmates that would never let him down if they could help it, and the friend that sticketh closer than a brother! What could he possibly do without the Captain? He doesn't want to leave the ship. To whom shall I go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. He, well, he just doubts sometimes. But what a great Captain he is, he is always forgiving, always concerning, and always caring. But, the only thing is, when he steers things away from the Captains plans, he always hurts his Captain. And he hurts himself as well. The more he tries to control things on his own, the farther he gets from the Captains best for him, settling for God's partial blessing.

Isn't is good that God doesn't kick out the doubters? I mean, Thomas doubted, and Jesus didn't kick him out of the group. That's comforting isn't it? Thomas' only problem was that he missed church on Sunday. :D Remember? Everyone was there on Sunday morning for church but Thomas. He slept in and got a bad rap! Jesus didn't even scold him, he just decided to make a second appearance, and told Thomas, "touch me, and see."

But the doubting isn't only with the saved, it's with the lost. Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul had to rebuke a bunch of people who weren't teaching the Resurrection. Doubts, doubters, and doubteresses. (I'm not smart; I came up with that word.) LOL

Listen, if you're lost and you're a doubter, and the Holy Spirit can't convince you, I surely can't convince you. All I can say is, it's true. You're wanted; your soul was worth dying for to the creator of the universe, and the old rugged cross was for you!!!

I met a man the other day who just told me, "That's too good to be true. Nobody gets deals like that in the real world. That's just your crutch." I proceeded to tell him that if you're hurt, don't you want a crutch? And by the way, Christ is so much more than a crutch for me... he's wings to fly as eagles!

I wrote a song the other day for doubters because of that man. The song isn't finished yet, because I only included the lost, but when it's done, the third verse will include the saved who doubt as well. I'll post it when I'm done. Hope it helps!

Could it Be Real
I heard a story; I heard a song
I heard a testimony, the word of God
I felt his touch upon my very soul
This perfect love I simply had to know
I heard his voice; it whispered soft but clear
I needed life that gave me rest from fear
Could I let go, and quell my shameful pride
His blood could heal, forgive, and satisfy
Could it be real, my sins be washed away?
Could he forgive, and cleanse my deepest stain?
If I believe and turn in Godly sorrow
Could it be real, that he my soul would save?
So I believed. By faith I took his word
And now I'm clean, I know my hope's secured
He gave me peace where there was only fear and doubt
And now this love, I know and tell about!
I know it's real; my sins are washed away
His love forgave, and cleansed my deepest stain
When I believed, and turned in Godly sorrow
I found it real, cause he my soul did save!
You may not see, and doubt that it is so
But you can't doubt this joy this peace I know!
I know it's real; my sins are washed away
His love forgave, and cleansed my deepest stain
When I believed, and turned in Godly sorrow
I found it real, cause he my soul did save!
By Clay Maynard


Hannah said...

Amen, Clay! That was a blessing! I can't wait to hear you sing your song!
I read this quote by Spurgeon this morning during my devotions. It seemed to stare back at me from off the page. I know you've been having a rough time lately, and this caused me to think about you. God knows what He's doing. =)

When you see no present advantage, walk by faith and not by sight. Do God the honour to trust Him when it comes to matters of loss for the sake of principle. ~ C. H. Spurgeon

I posted the whole passage on my blog. Good, huh?
Well, I'm going to get some breakfast now.
Love you, brother! Have a good day!


Clay said...

I'll go read that post. He does know what he's doing!! :) Thanks for the comment, sis. Have a good day!
